没听到神父继续朗诵的声音,黄子韬疑惑的抬头,注意到的吴亦凡连忙瞟了眼“神父”鹿晗。鹿晗一惊, 立马回复状态。
“I command you in the face of the Lord,confess any reason to prevent you from integrating .”流利的英语让人揪不出半点错。
“Edison Huang,Do you want this man to your other half and marryhim?Regardless of disease or health,or any other reasons,always love him;take care of him,respect him,admit him,and be loyalty to him forever.”(桃子的英文名就是 Edison Huang )
“Yes,I do.”虽然英语不好,但大概意思黄子韬还是懂的。毕竟那么多狗血剧不是白看的……
“Kevin, Do you want this man to your other half andmarry him?Regardless of diseaseor health,or any other reasons,always love him;take care of him,respect him,admit him,and be loyalty to him forever. ”( Kevin就不用我解释了吧?)作者: 源至子韬 时间: 2013-11-14 21:07